Left 4 dead m16
Left 4 dead m16

  • In the Passing, Ellis falls head over heels for Zoey, and it's hinted that she feels the same.
  • What really gets the tears flowing (for both Zoey and the reader) is that Zoey flashes back to this moment when she learns that the gene for carriers is passed down from the father, meaning that her father was never going to turn in the first place. Zoey and her father then say their tearful goodbyes before she shoots him before he can turn into a zombie.
  • In "The Sacrifice" comic, it is revealed that in Zoey's first encounter with the Infected, her mother was infected and bit her father, who was then forced to shoot and kill her.
  • left 4 dead m16

    He'll yell out for the other occasionally. One particurly depressing example is in the Dark Carnival campaign while playing as Nick: "You finally got your wish, Ellis. As if the pants-wetting Paranoia Fuel wasn't enough, your character continues to speak as if the other Survivors are still around.

  • In the second game's Last Man on Earth mutation, it's just you and the Special Infected.
  • Especially the reaction of either Zoey or Bill if the other sacrifices themselves. Especially a lot of the surviving characters' parting lines, many of which sound like they're about to break into tears.

    left 4 dead m16

    And on "The Sacrifice", listening to the last lines on the titular sacrifice for each character is heartbreaking. We already knew somebody from the original cast would die, but when you see Bill's corpse lying right next to the power generator, still clutching on to his signature M16, you just can't help but break a tear. In the Passing campaign, it takes this trope to a more personal level.

    Left 4 dead m16